
Founded in 1960, the Illinois HomeCare & Hospice Council (IHHC) is the nation's first home care association and the voice for home care in Illinois. IHHC represents home care and hospice agencies that provide care to Illinois residents, companies that serve those agencies, and other state and federal organizations that have an interest in home care.
IHHC provides a variety of services to its members, the majority of which offer skilled intermittent nursing, hospice and/or private duty care to chronically or terminally ill patients of all ages. Member benefits include expert regulatory guidance, discounts on workshops, conferences and on-demand courses, free online courses that meet specific licensure requirements, a bi-weekly online newsletter, legislative advocacy, assistance with referrals, a member forum, and various website resources. IHHC also provides resources for consumers that leads family caregivers and health professionals to needed services, searchable by geographic area, service and payment source.
To protect and preserve the basic rights of patients and clients, IHHC developed a Code of Ethics that agencies/organizations agree to abide by when initially joining IHHC and when renewing their annual membership. The IHHC Code of Ethics informs members and the general public of acceptable guidelines for the ethical conduct of home care providers and their employees and representatives. The document also serves as notice to government officials that the Council expects its members to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
IHHC provides a variety of services to its members, the majority of which offer skilled intermittent nursing, hospice and/or private duty care to chronically or terminally ill patients of all ages. Member benefits include expert regulatory guidance, discounts on workshops, conferences and on-demand courses, free online courses that meet specific licensure requirements, a bi-weekly online newsletter, legislative advocacy, assistance with referrals, a member forum, and various website resources. IHHC also provides resources for consumers that leads family caregivers and health professionals to needed services, searchable by geographic area, service and payment source.
To protect and preserve the basic rights of patients and clients, IHHC developed a Code of Ethics that agencies/organizations agree to abide by when initially joining IHHC and when renewing their annual membership. The IHHC Code of Ethics informs members and the general public of acceptable guidelines for the ethical conduct of home care providers and their employees and representatives. The document also serves as notice to government officials that the Council expects its members to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.